Domino is a small rectangular block, usually of wood or plastic, with one face marked by an arrangement of dots resembling those on dice. It is used in games involving blocking or scoring by placing adjacent dominoes edge to edge so that their values (or pips) match up or form totals. The most common set of dominoes contains 28 tiles. It only takes a slight push to tip a domino over. Once the first domino falls, a chain reaction occurs that amplifies the effect of each subsequent domino to the point where it can create towers that dwarf the original little block. This concept is often described as the domino effect, though it can apply to a wide variety of events. In the case of a novel, each scene is like a domino that falls to initiate a chain reaction in the story. If the writer writes each scene in a way that makes sense and then links them together, they can create a story that naturally moves from one point to another. It is a bit like creating a jigsaw puzzle with each scene acting as a piece of the larger picture. This idea can also be applied to leadership in business, as illustrated by the domino effect at work in a company. For example, the CEO of Domino’s Pizza has an excellent leadership structure that allows him to get out in the field and interact with customers directly to learn what is working and what needs to be improved. He has a reputation for being an effective leader who understands the value of empowering and developing employees. Domino’s leadership philosophy is evident in the fact that the company’s CEO Don Meij participates in several episodes of the popular TV show Undercover Boss, where he goes undercover as an employee to see how the Domino’s pizza delivery service works in a particular region. He analyzes the efficiency of each store, including its employees and how the customers respond to their service. He is able to identify weaknesses and make changes that improve the overall performance of the Domino’s delivery system. There are many different types of domino games. Some involve emptying a player’s hand while blocking opponents’ play, while others are scoring games such as bergen and muggins. Occasionally, dominoes are even used to recreate card games so that people can play them when religious prohibitions against cards exist. Some domino players even use their set to create intricate art, using straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures, or 3D structures such as towers. The options are endless. But no matter how the domino is used, it can be a fun and exciting game that helps teach children number recognition and basic math skills.