Horse racing is a sport that has an important place in our culture and history. Whether you are a casual fan or an avid gambler, it is hard to deny the impact that this sport has had on our society. However, the horse race industry is not without its issues. Many people have lost interest in the sport due to numerous scandals related to horse welfare and safety. The industry is also struggling to attract younger generations, which is a major concern since they are the future of the sport. The earliest horse races were match races between two horses. These matches took place over several four-mile heats. Eventually, the sport expanded to include a variety of different types of races. Currently, horse races can be classified into three different categories, depending on the type of race: flat, jump, and harness. Each of these categories requires the horses to have a pedigree that includes the father and mother of the animal. In the modern world of horse racing, most horses are bred to run fast and are pushed to their limit during each race. As a result, these animals often suffer from various injuries and even die. Some of the most notable deaths of racing horses have come from catastrophic heart attacks, broken legs, and other injuries that are caused by the exorbitant physical stress of the sport. These deaths have sparked a public reckoning of the sport’s ethics and integrity. Despite the fact that many horse racing fans claim that they care about the health and well-being of the animals, there have been very few changes to improve their conditions. There are a few exceptions, but it is not uncommon for racetracks to use cocktails of legal and illegal drugs to mask pain and enhance performance. Even with these medications, many horses will still lose their lives on the track. Some of them will experience a condition known as exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage, which causes the animals to bleed from their lungs as they are running. Some of the most reputable veterinarians will quit the business because they are tired of seeing trainers drug their horses and push them to the brink of breaking down, which is when they can no longer compete. These horses will then end up either being euthanized or killed at a slaughterhouse. Donations by racing aficionados and gamblers are essential on behalf of the horses, but they do not cancel out participation in the ongoing exploitation of young runners who will one day replace them at the track. Proponents of the horse race approach say that an overt competition for a top position encourages high performers to stretch themselves and that it will ensure that the company has several strong internal candidates capable of assuming the CEO role when needed. Others, however, are wary of the length of time it takes for a candidate to emerge and believe that the horse race strategy could be counterproductive to company success.