Whether you’re playing online or at a real poker table, there are some basic rules you’ll need to know. The main goal of any poker game is to get chips from your opponents. In order to do this, you’ll need to read your opponents and predict odds. You’ll also need to minimize losses when you have a bad hand. This is especially important if you aren’t aware of what your opponent’s cards are. The first player to bet in a round is called the “first bettor.” The player who makes the first bet is typically responsible for the pot. The first bettor must bet at least the minimum amount during the first betting interval. In later betting intervals, the first bettor can check. If a player checks, he or she is expected to stay in the hand without making any further bets. The second player to bet is called the “second bettor.” The second player is responsible for the pot if he or she raises. If a player calls, the second bettor must also put in a minimum amount of chips. In a pot-limit game, the amount of the raise is typically a set maximum. The third player to bet is called the “third bettor.” The third player is responsible for the pot if a player folds. If a player folds, he or she must discard the hand and lose any chips in the pot. The player who makes the final bet is the winner. The fourth and fifth betting intervals involve revealing the cards to all the players. After the fourth and fifth intervals, the player with the best face-up card is the winner. If two or more players tie for the highest card, a high card breaks the tie. If two or more players have a four of a kind, a high card outside of the four of a kind wins. If no players have a four of a kind, the fifth card is the winner. The sixth and seventh betting intervals involve the betting phase. The best hand is the one that wins the pot. A player may bluff his way to victory, but must do so with a cool demeanor. He or she must bet at least the amount of the last bet, or a smaller amount if it was a large bet. The player who raises, on the other hand, must put in a larger amount than the previous bettor. The final betting interval begins with the player with the best face-up card. If the player does not have the highest hand, he or she must call. If the highest hand is a pair, the player who threw in the ace must match the bet. A pair isn’t a great hand off the deal, but a pair of kings isn’t bad. Each player gets seven cards. The lowest hand is 7-5-4-3-2 in two or more suits. A full house is a five-card hand, and a flush is all cards of the same suit.